Let us help you create more defensible space around your home and reduce the spread of wild fires, by removing vegetation that is too close to your structures, and cleaning up ladder fuels that can allow a grass fire to travel into the crown of the forest.
Drought stress has caused our forests to become more prone to disease and insect damage. To improve forest health, we remove and/or mulch dead/diseased trees, as well as increase spacing between trees to encourage forest survival.
Our equipment is well suited for building site preparation, driveway improvement/repair, and delivery and spreading of gravel, especially on smaller properties with narrow access.
Our vegetation mulching head loves to devour blackberries, sapling trees, and brush! This mulch improves the health of the forest, as it reduces soil evaporation while slowly decomposing.
Smaller trees are easily mulched with our equipment. Larger trees can be stacked for firewood processing, or removed form your property.
Our company also has experience renovating neglected and overgrown vegetation. We can help you derive more enjoyment from your outdoor spaces.